Monday, 18 November 2013

Illustration // Orla Kiely SS/14

Earlier today It suddenly hit me that I had completely forgotten to post the finished Orla Kiely Illustration I talked about the other week. If I'm being completely honest I'm not too happy with how it turned out (let's face it drawing will never be my artistic strong point!), but then again when am I ever? Despite this I did say that I wanted to share illustrations on here even if there not that great, simply because otherwise they just stay hidden away in one of my many sketchbooks ... or worse in the bin. Lets just say I'm trying to figure out my own illustrative style, and hopefully by sharing some of things I do on here I'll feel encouraged to improve ... Or not!

That's all really. This is perhaps the shortest post I've ever wrote on here, although most of you probably think that's better as far as I'm concerned, especially since I have a tendency to ramble on about absolutely nothing! I'm working on that I promise! 


  1. I think this illustration is beautiful!

  2. such a pretty illustration, i don't know why you've said you're not great, i think it is. i love the way you've drawn her hair especially.

    little henry lee

  3. What a gorgreous illustration! xx
